Today's most popular stores
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Travel & Vacations
Earn up to 45% $XBIT on Flights, Hotels and Car Rentals
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0 Offers
Rent Cars
upto $8.00Was $6.00 -
5 Offers
Economy Bookings
flat 44.00% -
0 Offers
Go City
upto 5.60%Was 5.6% -
0 Offers
Malaysia Airlines
upto 2.00%Was 1.6% -
0 Offers
flat 5.00%Was $5.00 -
0 Offers
Qatar Airways
flat 1.60% -
0 Offers
upto 6.40%Was 4.5% -
0 Offers
Airpaz Global
flat 0.98%Was 1.8% -
0 Offers
upto $28.00Was $20.00 -
0 Offers
Jazeera Airways
upto 1.28%Was 1.3%
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Popular Brands
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63 Offers
flat 32.00% -
7 Offers
flat 4.00% -
0 Offers
Rent Cars
upto $8.00Was $6.00 -
5 Offers
Economy Bookings
flat 44.00% -
0 Offers
Go City
upto 5.60%Was 5.6% -
0 Offers
upto 5.60%Was 6.7% -
0 Offers
upto 3.36%Was 3.4% -
0 Offers
flat 8.40%Was 11.2% -
0 Offers
flat 5.60% -
0 Offers
flat 5.00%Was $5.00
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How it Works
How can I Crypto from my purchases?
Choose retailer
Choose the store in which you want to buy. We offer over
450 e-shops and we add new ones every day.
Shop as usually
To make a purchase, simply search for your favorite store
on our page and click on the store using the button,
to redirect you on their site.
Earn crypto
Once you make a purchase in the store, the merchant will let us
know about your purchase. From the price of each purchase you
get part of the money directly to your account in form of $XBIT

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